XO Has Been Greenlit on Steam

Good news! XO has been greenlit on Steam – and in less than 8 days!  This means that our game will be available on the biggest digital gaming marketplace in the world!  You have no idea how loud I yelled when I got that e-mail…



Many of our Kickstarter backers have asked if they’d have the option for a Steam key once the game is released, and the answer is YES! You’ll have the option for a DRM-free copy of the game, or one Steam key.  We’ll be working with our new friends at Humble Bundle who will be helping us fulfill our digital rewards.


More Stretch Goals Unlocked



You guys are blowing through the Backer Missions!  We just announced the first Hidden Mission: XO on Thunderclap – this one should be easy, we just need 100 people to support the campaign and we’re good to go.

Here are some links for completing more missions:

We’re pitching in too!  Here’s some cosplay that we’ll be sporting at Galacticon this weekend ^_^


If you’re looking for some ideas on fan art or fan fiction, here’s a couple examples of what we’ve seen so far:

XO Fan Faction by Kevin McCarthy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WXol4Q3MVbk7GRvuYLo389NnhqV515q_DHZrTg30QNY/

Battleship cameo in ChargeShot:


Stay tuned!

– Corey Warning